BeikeShop - 开源跨境电商系统 | Laravel开源商城系统
BeikeShop 是基于 Laravel 开发的一款开源商城系统
Download the Latest Version
Hurry up and download the 100% free and open-source cross-border independent e-commerce system to quickly build your own branded independent site!
License version 2025-03-11
Update Description
- v1.6 theme template with a smoother experience!
- Seamless integration with the Swoole engine for enhanced PHP performance (solution)
- PostgreSQL database compatibility for improved data reading performance
- QueryList: An elegant and progressive PHP DOM parsing framework with highly flexible extensions
- Plugin tool quickly develops tool scaffolding to improve development efficiency
- SEO-friendly URLs that vary by language
- Adding (Open Graph/Twitter Card) Meta tags in the `<head>` makes the page more crawlable.
- Entire site's image SEO by adding alt text descriptions for images in the homepage editor.
- Homepage design modules: full-screen layout, scrollable sliders, and image-text separation display
- MeiliSearch plugin: AI-enhanced simple search(buy plugin)
- when sending emails, you can choose to run the email dispatching via a queue in the backend
- Multi-specification SKU supports weight configuration
- One-click plugin updates in the admin panel
- H5 mobile filtering feature on category pages
- System maintenance mode configurable in the admin panel
- Admin email settings with options for target selection and scenarios
- Homepage decoration module can configure the module width style
- Default image size of the product can be customized
- Popup could not be closed after third-party login
- Incorrect Migrations hierarchy generated by the plugin development shortcut command
- Static images in the plugin might fail to load
- Address not fully displayed when printing orders in the admin panel
- Disabled categories still visible on the frontend
- Invalid fixed link selection on the homepage editor
- User permission configuration issues in the admin panel
- Custom default images not displaying correctly
- Language uninstallation causing system errors
- Disabled categories selectable in product editing
- Status anomaly when creating new users in the admin panel
- Cart quantity deletion showing incorrect prompts
- The issue where child categories are not deleted when the parent category is removed
- Encountered when selecting a product category
- Home page editor, icon module display abnormality
- Home page editor, data not updated after editing
- Clicking Add in the background currency management fails
- Error message when clicking the button in the homepage article module
- System language display error
- Error occurred when uploading pictures in the background file manager
- Resolved page freezing issue when the product browsing report contained excessive data
- Restricted modification of currency management codes to prevent order errors
- Decoupled plugin marketplace from admin panel for greater flexibility
- Overall system performance
- SQL queries to enhance system performance
- Passwords in email settings are now hidden
- Notifications for excessive product quantities in the cart
- Logistics information can only be entered for shipped orders
- Currency and weight units displayed when editing multi-spec products
- Homepage editor supports toggling between PC and H5 previews
- API call validation for improved system security
- Category pages display both current and subcategory products
- Article and product description fields updated to LongText, supporting up to 4GB
- Sales stats on the admin homepage now exclude unpaid orders for accuracy
- Email notifications for after-sales orders
- Currency units displayed in admin reports
- After installing a plugin, the files under the plugin's public directory will be copied to the system's public/plugin/ directory
- Inventory quantities now visible in the admin product list
- Where the default currency cannot be deleted
- Fuzzy search is supported for product categories, names, and attributes in the admin panel
- Background file manager sorting memory function
- Add disabled configuration to the background input component
- Wintopay payment, improve callback processing
- Tips for background multi-specification configuration
- A new field type is added to the backend plugin form, enabling developers to flexibly define the type of files to be uploaded.
Update Description
- Support for entering multiple courier numbers for a single order
- Supported the ability to change the logo image in the top-left corner of the backend
- Login to the front-end customer personal center from the backend customer list
- Automatically generate a default sku when creating a product
- Integrated the wintopay payment collection plugin into the system
- Displayed the product's selling price in the backend after-sales order details
- System permission settings for the Help Center module
- Increased some hook
- Payment plugin edit check box, prompt when required fields are not filled
- Thumbnail on the left side was displayed incorrectly when the homepage editor's image module was a video
- The error message when the BEIKE_API_URL configuration is changed on the page
- Editing and saving products in the background, the SEO filled content is cleared and the error message is wrong
- The weight unit carat had no entries
- The error occurs when adding products from the favorite list to the shopping cart
- Background status switch slider activation color
- Improve the performance of the file manager when reading large files & very many files
- The error message when the backend article content is too long and submitted
- The maximum size limit for uploading logo images in system settings
- Backend table responsive UI
- Refactoring of plugin market and plugin details page UI styles
- Nginx configuration for static pseudo-static, with a popup reminder on the homepage
- Optimized the tail editing
- Triggered search requests when plugin type filtering changes
- the error message when the exchange rate is not 1 after modifying the default currency in the backend system settings
- The maximum character limit for product names is adjusted to 191 characters
Update Description
- BeikeShop Help Center!
- The front-end category module of the mall supports displaying three levels of product categories
- The newbie guidance module after the mall is successfully installed
- After-sales orders support uploading pictures
- related prompts for system upgrades
- the issue of garbled characters when returning to the plugin market page
- homepage article and brand URL addresses to accommodate the SEO URL plugin
- Fixed known bugs in v1.5.4
- plug-in download and purchase process optimization
- the prompts when purchasing plugins
- code structure for DIY decoration on the shopping mall homepage
- Order after-sales module upload image function optimization
Update Description
- File manager search function
- Mobile product details page, new buy button
- Product sku input format restrictions
- File manager files can be double-clicked to select files
- Successful user registration automatically merges items in the visitor's shopping cart
- Added some new hook
- Display a login prompt box when guests check out
- Problems with tourist shopping carts
- The input fields in the plug-in have added "unit" prompts (such as %/$/g, etc.)
- plug-in download and purchase process optimization
- The category menu of product details editor is optimized to three-level mode
- File manager search function
- File manager rename rules
- Mobile terminal entry display
- Change cart product_sku_id to product_sku
Update Description
- System upgraded to Laravel 10, compatible with PHP 8.1 and above!
- Frontend users now see product prices after logging in.
- User approval feature with admin backend for customer status verification.
- Backend Statistical Report Module - Track sales/browse data for products.
- Batch printing of delivery orders, allowing bulk selection for printing orders.
- Quick batch management of countries based on "continent."
- Home DIY Decoration-Drag and Drop Module Decoration Layout.
- Homepage DIY Decoration - Article module.
- Personal Center adds order status filtering
- Page footer decoration-social media icons.
- Single specification can now set tiered prices with the new hook.
- Control SKU display through hook and stack.
- Customers can be blocked based on IP in dimensions such as continent/country.(plug-in)
- Shopping cart analysis - View and collect data related to customers' shopping carts.(plug-in)
- Back office administrators can help customers place orders.(plug-in)
- Corrected the issue of redirected orders to the recycle bin after filtering the order list.
- Fixed calculation errors in the shopping cart prices.
- Resolved problem of clearing brand information when saving products.
- Addressed the issue of H5 news lists not displaying images.
- Error when removing favorites from favorites list
- Fixed sorting errors in the homepage brand module.
- File Manager automatically renames files with the same name when uploading them
- New mobile UI interaction style
- File manager adapted for multiple merchants.
- UI styles in the plugin market, including text and loading animations.
- Country management can now filter by country name or country code.
- Increased error prompt time from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Improved shopping cart checkout page for better support on web and app.
- Background product edit page save button logic
- Enhanced checkout page interaction, displaying region-specific payment methods when adding a new address.
- Language pack upgrade for optimization.
Update Description
- Backend tags can be automatically activated based on parameters and corresponding tabs can be opened based on parameter paths
- Additional error prompts have been added to the backend, making the debugging system more user-friendly
- Order message function on the checkout page
- Support embedding third-party video addresses
- Integrated translation function, adding Youdao translation, supporting batch translation
- File manager/image library supports drag-and-drop and bulk downloads
- Product category image function
- Configurable CDN in the backend
- After uploading the system logo in the backend, the size of the logo can be adjusted
- Articles can have cover images added
- Support for publishing virtual goods
- Order Recycle Bin
- The product category page has added hook functionality, providing more custom options
- The image library supports third-party object storage (OSS) for independent plugins (additional purchase required)
- Order editing function (independent plugin, additional purchase required)
- Database backup and restore (independent plugin, additional purchase required)
- The issues that may occur while using social account login have been fixed
- The issue with the incorrect link in the bottom logo has been fixed
- The issue with the incorrect prompt message when entering an article summary has been fixed
- Fixed possible issues caused by article deletion
- The homepage decoration bugs have been fixed to ensure that the homepage is displayed properly
- The sorting and filtering issues in the product listing have been fixed, making product management more convenient
- The payment module on the plugin details page has been enhanced for a smoother payment experience
- The return value types of controller methods have been optimized to improve code quality
- In Stripe payment integration, the option to add a shipping address for delivery has been added
- The speed of accessing the backend product page has been improved through optimization
- The file manager has been optimized, and product list images will now be displayed in a 1:1 aspect ratio
- The file management-related functions have been optimized to address issues that may arise when creating folders
- Article images have been optimized to ensure proper display
- The display format of certain time elements has been optimized for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance
- The sorting of after-sales orders has been optimized for a more reasonable order
- The product video upload module has been enhanced with a style optimization that includes tabs for "Local/Embedded Iframe Code/Custom" options
- Optimize order status: automatically cancel unpaid orders and automatically complete shipped orders
- The plugin description details have been optimized to provide a better plugin download experience
- Improvements have been made to the backend dashboard interface to make it more user-friendly
- Translation: Code optimization has been carried out to significantly improve system performance
- The save button style in the backend has been updated to better align with visual logic
- The system language pack has been enhanced to include modules such as multilingual support for orders, shipping fees, French language pack, language switching, dashboard language, category image language, currency language, and more
- Third-party packages have been upgraded to improve system stability and security
- Uploading of webp image format is now allowed, enriching the compatibility of image formats
Correct Installation Procedure
Installation Tutorial (For Non-Developers)
1. Download BeikeShop
2. Upload to your server and unzip
3. Set the "public" folder under the extracted directory as the website root
4. Access the website via a web browser and follow the prompts to complete the installation
5. BeikeShop Detailed Installation Guide
6. To upgrade, download the latest version and overwrite it on the server (be sure to keep the original .env file), then run "php artisan migrate" in the website root directory
Installation Tutorial (For Developers)
1. Clone the code using a command line: git clone
2. Navigate to the "beikeshop" directory using the command line and execute "composer install" to install third-party packages
3. Next, execute "cp .env.example .env" to create a configuration file
4. Subsequently, execute "npm install" (requires Node.js version 16+) and "npm run prod" to compile frontend JS and CSS files
5. Set the "public" folder under the project directory as the website root
6. Access the website via a web browser and follow the prompts to complete the installation
7. For upgrades, run "git pull && composer install && php artisan migrate" in the website root directory on the server
Docker Installation
1. Install Docker and Compose locally or on your server
2. Execute "git clone [email protected]:beikeshop/docker.git"
3. Create a new folder "www" in the current directory as the website directory: mkdir www
4. In the "docker" directory, create a configuration file based on the template file: cp env.example .env
5. Modify .env and docker-compose as needed, then execute "docker compose up -d"
Environmental Requirements
1. PHP 8.1+
2. MySQL 5.7+
3. Apache httpd 2.4+ or Nginx 1.10+
PHP Components
1. BCMath PHP Extension
2. Ctype PHP Extension
3. cURL PHP Extension
4. DOM PHP Extension
5. Fileinfo PHP Extension
6. JSON PHP Extension
7. Mbstring PHP Extension
8. OpenSSL PHP Extension
9. PCRE PHP Extension
10. PDO PHP Extension
11. Tokenizer PHP Extension
12. XML PHP Extension
Copyright Notice:
1. The copyright for this system belongs to Chengdu Grand Network Technology Co., Ltd.
2. No individual, entity, or organization may sell, rent, or profit from this system and its derivatives without written permission from our company.
3. Please retain our company's copyright information. To remove it, you need authorization from our company.
1. Risk Disclaimer: The use and installation of the BeikeShop system are at your own discretion. We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or legal liabilities that may result from using this system.
2. Legal Compliance: When using this website building system, you agree not to engage in any illegal, infringing, or law-violating business activities. We are not responsible for your business activities.
3. Data Loss: Although we have taken reasonable security measures, there is still a risk of information transmission loss. We are not responsible for data loss.
4. Hacker Attacks: Despite taking reasonable security measures, the risk of hacker attacks still exists. We are not responsible for security incidents caused by hacker attacks.