BeikeShop - 开源跨境电商系统 | Laravel开源商城系统

BeikeShop 是基于 Laravel 开发的一款开源商城系统


Authorization Category
Service Category
Custom services
Management Category
Decoration and Construction
Super VIP Service
Teaching Category
More Introduction

Authorization Category

License Authorization
Use the BeikeShop system legally and in compliance to avoid legal risks and disputes.
Unlock the exclusive License version for download upon purchasing a License!
Customize the 'Powered By' copyright information in the authorized domain's footer.
Access official technical support services to ensure the stable operation of your website.
Possess the prestigious License accreditation, highlighting your corporate brand image!
$115.88/Domain original price:$130.59 (Permanent)
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Service Category

Ticket Service NEW
You can raise any technical issues in the ticket, and we will connect you with the developer to handle your issue as soon as possible.After the final negotiated amount is paid, the developer will immediately start working on your issue.
Price:Budget + Assessed
Installation Service
The official system installation service is fast and stable! It can help you quickly deploy and build the BeikeShop independent station, supporting bulk station building services with discounts for installing multiple websites at once!
Price: $7.34/times
Upgrade Service
Let the official team handle the BeikeShop system upgrade for you. Keep your independent BeikeShop system up to date. Discounts are available for upgrading multiple websites at once!
Price: $9.71/times
Install SSL
Install and configure SSL certificates for you. Secure communication protects sensitive information transmission between your website and customers, enhancing your website credibility!
Price: $12.94/times

Custom services

Custom services

Do you have special functional requirements? You can directly submit a "Customization Requirement" work order to us, and we will evaluate and quote you as soon as possible, so that your independent station can have more personalized functions!

Price: Priced according to actual needs

Management Category

Auxiliary Station Construction Package

For technical novices who want to build their independent station on their own server.
After purchasing the service, BeikeShop will be built on your specified server according to your requirements.
At the same time, we provide comprehensive technical support and services for one year after installation, including station installation and deployment, technical maintenance support, and regular updates to ensure you have an efficient, stable, and secure independent station.

The service includes installation and deployment of independent stations, technical maintenance support and regular updates. Ensure you have an efficient, stable and secure independent station

Price: $441.03/Year
Cloud Hosting

You can have your own independent station without any technical basis!
After purchasing the service, we will fully take over the technical maintenance and support of your BeikeShop independent station.
You only need to remember the account and password of the independent station to use it.

We will provide a stable server environment to ensure that your website is always online, as well as reliable data backup and security guarantee!
Let us handle all the technical details so that you can operate and promote your cross-border e-commerce business with peace of mind.

Price: $588.09/Year

Decoration and Construction

Mall Construction Services

We provide a complete set of mall construction services to meet your needs for quickly launching an independent station mall. Provide your customers with a better shopping experience! Whether you are building a new mall or optimizing an existing one, you can purchase our mall construction services!

Service Items (You can choose the service items yourself)
1.Homepage Decoration:Professional design team to design an impressive mall homepage for you. You can also provide material images for us to build for you.
2.Product Import:Import your products in batches into the independent station. No matter how many products you have, we can help you import them more quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy!
3.Product Collection:We can help you collect product information from various channels according to your needs and list them in the mall, allowing you to have a richer variety of products (currently supporting collection from Alibaba, Lazada, Amazon, Aliexpress,, Taobao, Tmall, 1688).
4.Homepage Category Navigation Configuration:We will configure the most suitable mall homepage category structure for your business needs and product types, making it easy for your visitors to find the products they want.
5.Mall Footer Configuration:The independent station webpage footer navigation is a key location for providing important information and links for the mall. We will assist you in designing and configuring a complete and user-friendly footer navigation.
6.Brand Page Configuration:If your independent station mall has multiple brands, we will help you optimize brand logo images and upload them, helping you better showcase brand information and increase your mall's recognizability.

Price: Priced according to actual needs

Super VIP Service

BeikeShop Super VIP Service provides you with comprehensive technical hosting and round-the-clock site construction support. Don't worry about all the technical issues; we will handle all the technical details for you, making it easy for you to run and promote your cross-border e-commerce business.
Price: $29,411.76/Stores/Year
Service Features

- Provide server selection and network architecture strategy tailored to your business needs.

- 24/7 technical support: Our professional technical team provides you with 24/7 technical support to answer your questions and address technical issues at any time.

- One-on-one human-to-human interaction: One team serves one person, and BeikeShop's official front-end, back-end, testing, and operation and maintenance teams provide you with professional service guidance.

- Stable server operating environment: We provide high-performance and stable server environments to ensure the efficient operation of your website.

- Reliable data backup: We regularly back up data to ensure your data security, allowing for rapid recovery of the website in case of unexpected situations.

- Security guarantee: We take multiple security measures to protect your website from malicious attacks and data leaks.

Teaching Category

Teaching Courses
Price: $1,323.38/2 months

Want to make full use of BeikeShop?
Learn about the latest product features? We provide comprehensive teaching and training. You will gain in-depth knowledge of BeikeShop's various functions and learn various system usage techniques.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced e-commerce professional, we can provide personalized training to meet your needs!
Training method: Create an exclusive training and teaching group after a successful purchase, with one-on-one guidance on using and maintaining BeikeShop. Training duration: Complete the training within 2 months after a successful purchase.

More Introduction

A User-Friendly Open-Source Cross-Border E-commerce System
Developed based on Laravel, it primarily caters to the foreign trade and cross-border e-commerce industry. The system provides functions such as product management, order management, member management, payment, logistics, and system management. The system always maintains a "microkernel" + plugin (hook) mechanism. It's simple, fast, easy to use, and effectively avoids the problem of an "unmanageable pile of code" that can't be upgraded due to secondary development. Low maintenance costs and easy function development!
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BeikeShop B2B2C Multi-Vendor
A multi-vendor platform developed based on BeikeShop, it provides a full range of solutions for the business model of vendors joining the platform. The system can be used to quickly build a merchant platform that allows vendors to join, publish products, and manage orders. Joined merchants can manage products and orders through an independent backend, and the platform supports important features like multi-variant products, order splitting, and fund withdrawal.
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BeikeShop Plugin Marketplace
Launched by the official team, the Plugin Marketplace is accessible after installing BeikeShop. You can enter the marketplace by clicking "Plugins - Plugin Marketplace" and choose the plugins you need. Users can also apply to become developers, create plugins, and sell them to earn income! Apply to become a developer: Apply to become a developer in the user center to start developing plugins. Developer income: After the plugin is listed, you can get 80% of the total sales amount of the plugin. Welcome developers to participate in development!
Go to the Plugin Marketplace
BeikeShop uniapp Cross-Platform
BeikeShop Cross-Platform APP is a multi-platform synchronous development solution built based on the uni-app development framework, which allows you to quickly create mobile e-commerce applications. It only needs to be developed once and can be published on multiple platforms such as the App Store and Google Play!
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BekeShop SaaS cloud service
Coming soon so stay tuned