Limited Time Discount for Products

Last Update:2025-01-03
$12.94 $18.82
Plugin Version:
Compatible BeikeShop Version:
v1.6.0, v1.5.6, v1.5.5, v1.5.4, v1.5.3, v1.5.2, v1.5.1, v1.5.0
After sales instructions:
Purchase once for permanent use and receive 1 months of technical support as a gift
Plugin Author:
Plugin Purchase Process
Access your BeikeShop admin dashboard
Click on "Plugin Marketing" in the top right corner
Select the desired plugin for purchase
Click on Purchase
Plugin Description

Plug-in function introduction:

After turning on the plug-in, you can set the corresponding products as special offers.


Plug-in usage instructions:

1. Enter the plug-in market, install and enable the plug-in

2. Click Plug-in Edit, enter the configuration page and click Enable

3. Go to the backend "Product → Product Special Offer" to enter the special offer configuration page and configure the product special offer information.


Plug-in usage preview:

1. Add special offers


2. Enter the settings page and select special offers


3. A single SPU product can be set as a special price, or a specific SKU of the product can be set as a special price.

4. Set the preferential price and the start and end time of the preferential activity


After the setting is completed, the product list at the front desk is displayed as follows:


Entering the product details page displays the following display:


When a product SPU is set, only individual SKUs have special prices (the effect is as follows)

Select special offer specifications: